A Nutritionist Tells Us...How to Feel More Energised

Claudia Criswell is a registered nutritional therapist, Health Coach & Pilates Instructor

Claudia Criswell, Nutritional Therapist

The beginning months of the year and the last of winter always leave us feeling lethargic - those dark evenings and cold mornings with no sequins and glitzy year-end parties on the horizon.

With that in mind, we asked Claudia Criswell, Registered Nutritional Therapist, Health Coach and Pilates instructor the key things she looks at in order to feel more energised day to day!

Balancing blood sugar

  • Try to include a source of healthy fats, protein and complex carbs in your meals and snacks

  • Start your day with a high protein breakfast which includes some healthy fats such as avocado or Greek yoghurt as well as fibre

  • When having something high in simple carbs (which is totally okay as all foods fit in moderation) such as a pastry / chocolate / sweet desert, try pairing this with some healthy fats, protein or fibre eg. handful of walnuts with your chocolate / some nuts and seeds with your porridge and honey


Claudia Crisswell Pilates


Being stressed is one of the biggest killers of energy and whilst it can be difficult to get out of your head, these simple tips can really help change your perspective when things get too much;

  • Getting outside and stepping away from the desk (especially if it’s work-related stress) - some fresh air and light can do the world of good

  • Starting and ending the day with some screen-free time

  • Having a clear end to the working day, even if you’re working from home eg. do 10 mins of stretching to unwind, go for a walk around the block, get changed into your comfy clothes

Getting enough sleep

This is so important to our overall wellbeing and it is the foundation of our overall health. But how can we ensure we get there?

  • Swap to decaf after lunchtime. You might think drinking a coffee or cup of tea is fine at 3pm but caffeine can stay in our system for up to 12 hours, so if you still want the comfort and ritual of a warm cuppa, swap it out to decaf! 

  • Sleep hygiene - again, no screens in bed - try reading or listening to a meditation or audio book

  • Try going to sleep and waking up at roughly the same time - this will help settle your body into a routine.

  • Try taking a bath before bed to help unwind and regulate your body temperature


It may feel like a buzz word at the start of every year, which can actually be off-putting, so my biggest advice is finding something that works for YOU! You don't have to be at a body pump class or spinning every morning! Find something that feels enjoyable as well as achievable for you and your lifestyle. This could be as simple as a walk and talk with a good friend, some gentle at home pilates, dancing, padel, or a run club! It's important to honour your body on the days when you didn’t get much sleep and are busy - exercise should compliment your life not take over your life! 

Nutrition & Supplements

Always speak with your GP / nutritionist before starting supplementation

  • Food first approach although some supplements can be helpful in certain scenarios (all individual which is why you need personally tailored advice)

  • Vitamin D between October - March, folate for pregnant woman / those looking to conceive

  • Supplement quality is important otherwise you’re wasting money on a product that might not actually make it into the system intact 

Spiced Beans on Sourdough

Remember! We are all completely and totally unique and so it is important to spend time to find the things that work for you and your own personal health and wellbeing - don't get caught up in fads or feeling as if you have to do something because everyone you know is. Health is about so much more than what we are putting on our plates - it's about finding joy, connection, purpose, happiness and creating memories with those we love!

Claudia Criswell is a registered nutritional therapist, health coach and pilates instructor based in Edinburgh.

Having suffered with crippling digestive symptoms, anxiety and disordered eating habits in the past, she understands first-hand how powerful and transformative nutrition and lifestyle interventions can be in supporting overall mental and physical health.

Since founding Claudia Criswell Nutrition, her and her team have supported hundreds of clients to feel happier and healthier everyday in a sustainable way.

Claudia  Crisswell sitting on bench