20 Years of Des Petits Hauts
Happy birthday to Des Petits Hauts!
At Biscuit we love any excuse for a slice of cake, and there's no better excuse than the 20 year birthday of one of our favourite brands who have been stocked in our stores since we first opened in 2015.
Renowned for their mohair cardigans, pretty timeless prints and classic shapes this French label is a best seller every season.
For the special birthday celebration this limited edition gift box which contains 5 glittering brooches is available online and in our Bruntsfield store. (Coffret Box £51)
Oversized and boxy the Dorly cardigan has a subtle gold sparkle. (Dorly Cardigan £230)
If you don't already own a fluffy mohair blend sweater from Des Petits Hauts then this is the one for you, with puffed shoulders and a slouchy fit, it's DPH at their best. (Colinette Knit, £205)
Simple and chic, you can't go wrong with a black spotty top. (Robin Blouse, £135)
Khaki green is still a firm favourite and the Cosmic sweater is covered in a gold sparkle too. (Cosmic Knit, £185)
The Ester is a pretty little floral print dress with a v neck and buttons running all the way down the front. (Ester Dress, £145)
The most coveted cardigan of the season, Clairette is chunky enough to work as a coat on a cooler day. (Clairette Cardigan, £335)
shop the 20th anniversary collection here >